HTTPS for a Much Safer Internet Experience

Internet has no longer been restricted to just a domain, as it has emerged as a much vibrant world unlike ours own. However, with time safety has become a major cause of concern for internet and entities that are closely associated with it. Hacker groups like ‘anonymous’ over the years have raised havoc for corporate websites with infinite number of user data. HTTPS or HTTP Secure is a modern way trend that is spreading gradually among the websites that are trying hard to save user data from hack attacks. I even heard about the social media giant ‘Facebook’ going HTTPS from HTTP so as to share user data from external security threats.

Integrating Social Media and eCommerce

eCommerce gains importance when clients visit business pages on social media networks. Businesses have realized that social media offers a perfect platform to popularize their services and products. Here are a few hints to incorporate social media in your routine ecommerce activities.