HTTPS for a Much Safer Internet Experience

Internet has no longer been restricted to just a domain, as it has emerged as a much vibrant world unlike ours own. However, with time safety has become a major cause of concern for internet and entities that are closely associated with it. Hacker groups like ‘anonymous’ over the years have raised havoc for corporate websites with infinite number of user data. HTTPS or HTTP Secure is a modern way trend that is spreading gradually among the websites that are trying hard to save user data from hack attacks. I even heard about the social media giant ‘Facebook’ going HTTPS from HTTP so as to share user data from external security threats.

“Internet a much safer place”

Among the powerful entities that are trying hard to make internet a much safer place, Google is a name familiar to the whole world. Recently, I came across a random post that mentioned about Matt Cutts giving a green signal to those who wished to switch their website from HTTP to HTTPS concerning security. He also trashed all rumors regarding Google not indexing HTTPS web pages and mentioned that the only problem that online entrepreneurs are likely to face in case of HTTPS is of slow loading web pages. However, this minor issue can easily be managed with a powerful server, which is why you can see sites like Google, Twitter and Facebook going HTTPS as default.

Moreover, we also have a ‘Web security policy mechanism’ known as HSTS or HTTP Strict Transport Security that further strengthens security protocols in all the HTTPS enabled website. With sudden paradigm shifts and changes going on in the virtual domain I hardly doubt the intentions of entities going for HTTPS, but will it be enough to secure highly authentic user details? Techniques like ‘Network Sniffing’ by which a hacker utilizes cookies to hijack a user account are still too lethal to be ignored so easily.

Is it the less resilient web browser on which the user actually depends on or is it the increasing technology awareness that is creating issues with online privacy? Questions like these still remain unanswered but what we can easily conclude from facts is that ‘online privacy’ is slowly turning out to be a long forgotten concept. We could hope HTTPS and HSTS to be a great success in the coming years because commercialization is what the world is using as a fuel and the same is using internet as a medium to reach to the millions around the world!