Social Media Monitoring

Now that you are engaging with your present and potential clients on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, you may start wondering about the need to monitor conversations that are taking place outside of your own social properties. This entails utilizing 3rd party enterprise software from companies such as Radian6, ScoutLabs, Alterian, and Trackur. Windmills Marketing has experienced utilizing all of these monitoring platforms and can help set-up and optimize your monitoring as well as provide you with relevant reporting to help your organization:

  • Monitor the reputation of your brand
  • Discover new business development opportunities
  • Find out competitive intelligence
  • Better understand industry trends
  • Social Media Analytics & Reporting

What is the ROI of social media? It can only be found through the analysis of the results of your social efforts. RICOSHOCKS is experienced in seeing through the hours spent tweeting and blogging to provide your CEO and Executive Team with the analytical and reporting capabilities to monitor and understand the return on investment of your social activities. If you would like to inquire about these services, please fill out the Contact Us form and one of our team will be in contact with you shortly.