FileMaker For Corporate Marketing

FileMaker's cross-platform capability - the same system is accessible to Mac and PC users - makes it a consistent top choice for marketing and creative services professionals. The product's visually appealing interface and "drag and drop" layout features fit well with creative individuals' computing preferences and make the development of systems for non-native programmers much more accessible than other platforms. 

 As a custom developer and network support company equally comfortable working in Mac and Windows environments, IT Solutions has always had a strong presence in the marketing and creative services industries. We understand the unique workflow challenges that these companies and departments face. So our FileMaker solutions are built for the way you and your team work, not the industry in general. And when the initial engagement ends, the system isn't suddenly locked down or waiting for the next upgrade for a change. It's completely open and adaptable, whether you choose to make changes on your own, or have us do them for you. Because your business is always changing, your database should be able to change with it.